Buddhist Altar Cloth. Triangular silk brocade gold background with medallions Principle medallions are green orange white and gold and dark blue orange white and gold. There are star-shaped medallions in medium blue olive green white on gold. Between…
[hu po] Succinum A yellowish or brownih fossil resin. 1. as sedative and tranqilizer for the treatment of insomnia dreamfulness palpitation and convulsion. 2. as a diuretic and hemostatic forurodynia and hematuria due to acute infection of the…
Dynamic Sterophonic Dual Channel High Fidelity Amplifier Solid black metal case amplifier. The front panel is gold with four plastic knobs. It has tube transistors.
Webster Electric Tape Recorder Amplifier Metal case amp with gold front plate. Center dials for recording level for two channels and options for volume. play/record tone 3.75 - 7.5 erasure and two audio jacks.
Dragon Head: made of paper mache painted silver with red mouth, markings, collar, black eyes, white teeth; wire with attached pom poms protruding from nostrils, gold horns, gold cord fringe hanging from chin. Articulated body: made of 7 bamboo…