cotton flour sack pants; sperry flour sack; plain weave; machine stitched; some seams flat-felled others a regular seam that is overstitched on the outside surface; off-white with faded red and blue printing; typical Chinese right angle crotch
white food service jacket; twill weave cotton; mandarin collar; long sleeves; six button center front closing; attachable buttons for washing; all buttons missing; material in good condition; rust stains on shoulders
faded white cotton vest with blue stripes; hand sewn; no collar; five-button center opening; rolled finishing around neck; 8" slits on each hip; badly sun-faded; stains on back; material worn under arm pits; (possibly worn as undergarment? for warmth…
white cotton bib apron; plain white cotton machine-stitched; same material used for neck loop and ties; number 874 stamped on lower hem inside - possibly laundry number; stains center of bib
plain white apron; plain weave cotton; machine hemmed top and bottom; no bib; ties made from same material; series of strain 12" from top; number 1080 hand-written on inside upper hem - possible laundry number
Dimensions: (a) 86" x 30.5" (b) 88" x 30.5" (c) 88" x 30.5" (d) 134" x 31" (e) 312" x 31". (f) 84" x 30.5" (g) 84" x 30.5" Handwoven silk damask pattern of scattered medallions of flowers and Greek key maker's mark on paper stapled to some pieces.…
Obi fabric of silk brocade with black background with a pattern of clouds tendrils and morning glories (asagao) of gunmetal gray with stripes of flowers in pale gray and bronze. Meiji Period 1868-1912.
Japanese silk brocade obi fabric. Taiso or Meiji periods? Most at TX-14B. (A): Charcoal gray; gold pattern of chrysanthemums and vines. Fair: torn selvedge and stains; slight discoloration of center fold. (B): Black OBI; olive green dragon; pale…