a: Record with a label in Japanese and the following information in English: "Tokyo Records"; "Pacific Bureau of New Musical Study"; "Made in U.S.A." b: Contained in a paper sleeve with "Presto Recording Corporation Paramus New Jersey U.S.A." along…
a: Record with a label in Japanese and the following information in English: "Polydor"; "Polyfar Recording"; "Manufactured by Polydor Talking Machine Co. Ltd Tokyo Japan". b: Contained in paper sleeve with "King Record" on one side and a collage of…
a: Record made by Tokyo Records in the U.S.A. for the Pacific Bureau of New Musical Study with "372-A" on one label and "372-B" on the other. b: Contained in paper sleeve with a portrait of a man and Japanese text on one side and "Polydor. Record"…
a: Victor Orthophonic record marked 51198. b: Victor Orthophonic record marked 51197. c: Tattered teal paper sleeve with "VICTOR RADIO with ELECTROLA and hear ALL the Music!" on one side.
a: Record made by King Record Co. Ltd. in Tokyo Japan with "C-1145" appearing on both labels. b: Paper sleeve with a profile portrait of man above Japanese text on one side.
a: Record made by King Record Co. Ltd. in Tokyo Japan. Green-colored label on one side shows picture of man on upper left and Japanese text while the flip side has peach-colored label with a woman depicted on the upper left and Japanese text. b:…