Black and white photograph-Young Chinese lady dressed as a beauty queen, Chinese style dress, wearing a crown and holding a scepter. On reverse:"Ms. Ching, beauty queen contest in Hawaii, 11th annual"-Chinese characters
Black and white Photograph-Asian lady and small boy standing on a stone ledge or boulder in front of a small river, A few Fir trees on the other side of the bank.
Black & White Photograph-Goon Dip-Chinese man wearing hat with button on the top, brocade with 3 medals pinned on it. On reverse:"Goon Dip-Consul, Willard Jue photo Paper label-Goon Dip-Chinese labor contractor
Black & White Photograph-Goon Dip-Studio photo- graph of Chinese man wearing dark hat and brocade gown with 3 medals pinned to it. Gold mine in Alaska named after him,Goon Dip, Chinese Consul taken in Portland,Oregon"
Black & White Photograph-Willard Jue's family Dan, Mrs. Goon Dip, Martha(Mrs. Jue Wong)-studio portrait of two chinese ladies in elegant Chinese gowns holding closed fans with young Chinese boy. On reverse:"Willard Jue's Family, Circa 1900,Dan, Mrs.…
Black & White photograph-group of five-2 men, 3 women-seated on ground with trees and foliage in the background. Pearl May, Sam Chin, Ella Goon, Maggie Chin(Mrs. Sam). On reverse:"#2-Pearl May,#3_Sam Chin,#4-Ella Goon, #5-Maggie Chin(Mrs. Sam)