Color photograph of 2 Chinese youngsters, in lion costume. They are on a brick street. In the background are people sitting on the pavement, in Western dress.
Postcard showing a swimming beach near San Francisco. Card sent to "Mrs. S. Kamuro, Tokyo, Japan", dated Dec. 25, l904. Photo shows bay in background, bather and onlookers on beach in small cove. Japanese characters written on both sides.
A: Two boys on a pony, with older boy standing behind. B: Same. Characters written on "A". "Jimmie, Phil, Leslie Mar Hing" written on reverse, in English.
Mounted black & white photo:"Entering Chinese awaiting customs and immigration inspection at the Sumas, Wa. railroad station. Sumas became the official Chinese port of entry in 1903." from the reverse side of photo. Copy of Willson and MacDonald…