Portrait photo of young Asian-American girl in western dress, white high topped shoes, sitting on an upholstered stool. Her hands are resting on the stool, on either side of her.
5 young people, one is Chinese American From left, girl in sailor dress, Asian man in suit, man in WWI army uniform, girl in dark dress and young man in suit and sweater. Standing outside under big tree.
Snapshot of Asian-American man in western suit standing alongside evergreen tree that arches above his head. A path and open land in the backgrd. on the right of photo.
Portrait of Chinese man wearing suit, tie and sweater. 2 identical photos of different sizes On reverse, "Chin Tun or Ton, 631/2 2 St." B:large photo stored in oversize photo box
Chinese man in Chinese skull cap and Western clothes riding in an open touring car with a Chinese lady and two Chinese girls in Chinese dress. Car is cover with tasseled covering. Appears decorated for a festival.
Family photograph of father, mother, and 3 young daughters. All are seated except mother. Father holds youngest daughter on his lap. Father sits on wooden chair. Eldest girl is sitting on bench. On back of photo - Chin? Circa -1890s On large photo…