4 storied building, sign says "Foreigners Shopping Center", lower sign reads " National Commerce and Industry Exhibition Hall" (partially behind trees) People on sidewalk, car, rickshaw. On reverse, "UNC/Office of the Economic Coordina- tor, official…
Mooring area for small commercial boats, most appearing to be fishing boats. 2 wooden hulled vessels in center of photo. Backgrd, number of roofed low buildings behind sea wall.People on. On reverse "UNC/Office of the Economic Coordina- tor, official…
Ovwerview of an industrial area adjoining body of water at right center. Mountains faintly in the background thru smoky haze. On reverse, " UNC/Office of the Economic Coordina- tor, offical photograph # 89-99-000-8958"
Group of workmen in a smallshipyeard working around partially assembled wooden framed small vessel. Timber being cut, shaped on the spot. On reverse, "UNC/Office of the Economic Coordina- tor, official photograph #89-18-281-1343"
Rock face at base of which is large opening into which light weight temp. rails lead. Above open, is a road beyond which material is stacked. Jeep parked on road. People working. Also penciled, "Alternate Railroad Tunnel."
Large stone surfaced building. Front entry covered by stone portico, decorative elements. 2 protrudig wings, circular towers behind which are further extensions. Circle drive with cars, grass, trees.
Western photographer in foregrd, crouched, camera on tripod. 2 men at left, 1 behind a reflecter. Partial man on right, extending microphone pole. Korean lady seated on entry platform, cleaver in her hand. Tor, official photograph # 89-92-438-2319"
Room with korean flag behind a chart on far wall. Along both sides of room are rows of tables, behind which number of men are seated. Pot belled stoves in center, tea cups etc, papers on the tab.