Black and white Photograph of a Chinese boy, Uen Gi (?) seated on a toy horse in front of drapes, his right hand is resting on the horse's head. On the back written in Chinese it says: " Given to Dear Dad, son Uen Gi, October 22, 1952," developed at…
Black and white Snapshot of a Chinese boy, Uen Gi with a white boy with a clenched left fist, wearing suspenders. Uen gi is wearing a jump suit outfit.
Black and white photograph of a Chinese boy, Uen Gi, with his left hand raised, wearing an overall - type outfit in front of a table with a woven basket and some papers on top of it. Crease lines on photo.
Black and white photograph of a Chinese boy, Uen Gi, seated in a cane chair with an open book on his lap, his feet are crossed. On the backof the photo B is: "Give to grandfather, grandson Uen Gi, April 23, 1953."
Black and white Photographs A & B: 2 identical photos of a Chinese woman, from the waist up, in a traditional Chinese outfit with a little boy, Uen Gi, by her side in overalls.
Black and white photograph Photo of a Chinese woman on a black Chinese pants outfit carrying a baby who is looking the other way, The woman is seated in a cane chair in front of a door and part of a table can be seen.
Black and white photograph Snapshot of a woman, Uen Gi's mother, seated in a cane chair with her hands on arm rests and wearing a Chinese pants and jacket with colored lapel edging.
Color Photograph Picture of a Chinese woman in a traditional Chinese dress ( Cheong - sam), carrying a baby in a pink outfit in her arms. On the ack written in Chinese is: "This photo is from the daughter-in-law and gradson Hu (Woo) Uen Gi to the…