Black and white, tinted, postcard of a red build- ing with blue awnings. Caption reads "The Grand Hotel, Yokohama." There are four rickshaws in front of hotel and four motor cars to back.
Black and white postcard of hotel ball room, empty. Room is lined with chairs and has wood floors. Caption reads "Ball Room, The Grand Hotel, Yokohama." No people in psotcard.
Two black and white, tinted postcard. Caption reads "Tea sevice at the grand hotel, Yokohama". Buffet table in foreground is lined with several teapots,pitchers, cups and seven Japanese servers.
Black and white, tinted postcard of a railroad station. Tudor style three story building with red tile roof. A stone memorial statue in plaza in front of station. At right motor car. Front caption: "The Station, Shimonoseki"
Black and white, tinted, postcard of a temple yard. Stairway at center of photo up to a stone torli with the temple buildings in background. 4 stone lanters are visible with large pine to right. Caption on front: "The Akamaguu Shimonoseki"
Black and white, tinted, postcard of small light tower at shore of bay. Wooden structures to right and ship in far background. Caption on front:"The Mimosusogawa Shimonoseki"