Unused postcard On the front is a black and white copy of a oil painting of landscape. Across the bottom is printed: "No. 183, osaki, Yebaragun, Tokyo, Takashima"
12 postcards of Yenan; package cover writes "YENAN, sacred seat of the Chinese revolution situated in northern Shensi Province, is a place the revolutionary people look to. Here Chairman Mao and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party…
Eleven postcards of China, mostly of Mukden. The front has a caption in English and Japanese along the bottom. On the back is place or a postage stamp and it says at the top "Carte Postale." A: Black and White postcard, Japanese made, titled "The…
A: postcard. Scene of steel span bridge over river. 5 spans. On bridge, small streetcar. Wooded hill behind. Circular inset of Jap. 3-story castle. B: The envelope.