Wing Luke shaking hands with Adlai E. Stevenson II (former governor of Illinois and two time Democratic presidential candidate). To his left is Governor Albert D. Rosselini and to his right is Herbert Legg.
Photo of unidentified naval officer speaking at Puget Sound Bridge & Dry Dock Co. Christening of a guided missile destroyer escort vessel DEG-3 Schofeld.
Photo of speaker's platform at Puget Sound Bridge & Dry Dock Co. Christening of a guided missile destroyer escort vessel DEG-3 Schofeld. Mrs. F. Perry Schofield sits with legs crossed holding a bouquet of flowers.
Photo of Mrs. F. Perry Schofield (r) and family at Puget Sound Bridge & Dry Dock Co. Christening of a guided missile destroyer escort vessel DEG-3 Schofeld.