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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of a ship docked Yamahagi Maru

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of 4 men in front of 2 crates of oysters Note with photo identifies one man as George Terada of White River, A UW graduate who was captured by the Japanese army and put in a war camp in Manila.

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Japanese family Mother, daughter, one son in uniform and one small boy

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Of young girl in uniform

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of man and a small boy

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Of mountain top

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of 2 women and 2 boys looking at mountain top

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of young man and young boy

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Of Tokuji Sato owner of the Maneki Restaurant. He is standing in the garden near the enetrance. Above the garden is the tea house.

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the wait staff of the Maneki Restaurant in the tea house behind the restaurant building