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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of boy and youngster

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Family portrait Hatate family?

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Portrait of man Written on the front: To my dear Harry from Frank, February 1941

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph portait of a man Harry Hatate?

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Flooding around the New Washingotn Oyster Co buildings.

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Flooding around the New Washington Oyster Co buildings

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Flooding around the New Washington Oyster Co buildings

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Flooding around the New Washington Oyster Co buildings

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of mountains and cabins

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Of man standing in alpine area