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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the Nationalist Chinese flag flying at half staff in honor of Sun Yat Sen.

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of crowd gathered at the Tien An Men square for the funeral of Sun Yat Sen

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the crowd at the funeral of Sun Yat Sen in Beijing in 1925

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the flag flying at half mast in honor of Sun Yat Sen

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the mausoleum of Sun Yat Sen

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the funeral service for Sun Yat Sen

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the casket of Sun Yat Sen

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of the crowd at Sun Yat Sen's funeral

Print, Photographic

Black and White photographs of the crowd and one of the guarded gateway at Sun Yat Sen's funeral

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of a group of men. KMT Seattle branch members