Black and White Photograph Portrait of man, possibly H.H. Wong, in army uniform; full length, 3/4 view; the uniform consists of pants, a shirt, tie and hat; the background is quite hazy, nondescript; the back of the photo has the numbers "072"…
Black and White Photograph Two men in army uniforms posing outside; shown 3/4 length, 3/4 view; man on left has his arm around the other man; the two clasp hands, the man on the right has his other hand on his hip. The man on the left is the same man…
Black and White Photograph Portrait of a man, possibly H.H. Wong, in army uniform; full length, 3/4 view; the army uniform consists of pants, shirt, tie and hat; the man stands with his legs apart, his left arm behind his back and his right hand…
Black and White Photograph Portrait of 3 Asian men; 2 seated men flank 1 standing youth. All wear light colored shirts. A curtain serves as the backdrop.
Black and White Photograph Portrait of a middle-aged Asian man, bust length, frontal view; wearing a suit, shirt and narrow tie; 2 columns of Chinese writing on back of photograph