Black and White Photograph Portrait of an Asian man with graying hair; bust length, frontal view; wearing a dark suit jacket, shirt and light tie; 1 column of Chinese writing on back of photograph
Black and White Photograph In the foreground two Asian men in coats, ties and hats stand with three little Caucasian girls in the center in front of a large banner attached to a wooden framework. The white sign is printed with black capital letters…
Black and white photograph of a building in ToiShan China. There is a group of men standing on the front steps looking at the photographer. The is a black field along the bottom with white Chinese characters. The photograph is attached to a manilla…
A large group of studets standing in front of their school on the fron steps. Most are dressed in uniforms with mounty hats. In the front is a band and on the bass drum is: "Haichung Brass Band" . The is a black field along the bottom with white…
Photo of medical personel tending to a patient in a tent. Lower left corner is an inscription reading: "To Mr. Hancock Hope you don't get caught in same predicament"
Three men in uniform standing in front of steps. The building behind them is probably the first Filipino Infantry Regiment HQ. On the reverse of the photo someone has written "Lt. Col. Velasquez & Staff Guest from Washington D.C.