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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Photograph of the Filipino Naturalization ceremonies in Camp Beale, California. A large group of uniformed soldiers are standing while, in front of them , on a platform, officials are conducting the ceremony.

Print, Photographic

Three men standing in the office of Harold P. Turner. There is a hand-written note reading: "Lt. H.P. Turner, "Pete" to you."

Print, Photographic

Five uniformed men standing in the 1st Filipino Infantry Postal Section, in a tent, sorting mail.

Print, Photographic

Men sitting in jeeps lined up in front of buildings.

Print, Photographic

Photo glued to a piece of cardboard. On the reverse is written "First Filipino Infantry Band, 1943, Camp Beale, Calif., activated band, and lead same until Sgt. Morales joined regt." On the front some of the individuals are labeled.

Transparency, Slide

Demonstration for housing to mitigate the building of the King Dome in Seattle in early 1970s

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of Iku Arizumi in front of Arizumi Drug store in Seattle dated August 10, 1933

Print, Photographic

Color snapshot of the Puget Sound Cafe at 716 Sixth Ave. South.

Print, Photographic

Lun Poy in front of the Quong Tuck company at 721 South King St.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of the Keio baseball team in front of the NP hotel at 306 6th Ave South.