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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Japanese American man, Tokuji Sato , in the outside garden of the Maneki restaurant when it was at 212 Sixth Ave South

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of the female waitstaff at the Maneki restaurant outdoor garden and tea room. August 2, 1940. The tea room replicates a large Japanese castle.

Print, Photographic

Front gate of the Maneki restaurant when it was at 212 Sixth Ave South.

Print, Photographic

Black and white print of Japanese American group in the garden of the Maneki restaurant at 212 Sixth Ave South.

Print, Photographic

Color snapshot of the corner of Maynard and King, where Hing Hay Park is now located. Duke's Tavern

Print, Photographic

Color polaroid of Bob Santos speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for Imperial House 520 Main St.,

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of Seventh Ave South looking south from Jackson St.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of the Filipino Student Association at the University of Washington at a tribute dinner sponsored by the Philippine Counsul. It is signed on the back by some of the subjects.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of the Filipino Student Association at the University of Washington at a tribute dinner sponsored by the Philippine Counsul. It is signed on the back by some of the subjects.

Negative, Film

Sawdey and Hunt Lettuce Farm. The farm was over 100 acres near Orilla WA and at this time was managed by Fred Watanabe