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  • Collection: Photographs


Black and white photograph Photo of a Chinese woman on a black Chinese pants outfit carrying a baby who is looking the other way, The woman is seated in a cane chair in front of a door and part of a table can be seen.


Black and white photograph of a Chinese woman in a Chinese outfit. Upper body only, passport type photo.


Black and white photograph Snapshot of a woman, Uen Gi's mother, seated in a cane chair with her hands on arm rests and wearing a Chinese pants and jacket with colored lapel edging.


Color Photograph Picture of a Chinese woman in a traditional Chinese dress ( Cheong - sam), carrying a baby in a pink outfit in her arms. On the ack written in Chinese is: "This photo is from the daughter-in-law and gradson Hu (Woo) Uen Gi to the…


Black and white photograph Photo of a Chinese woman in a white blouse and dark skirt standing next to a flower stand with both hands resting on the stand. A painting is on the wall behind her and drapes are in the background.


Black and White photograph Image of Chinese woman in a dark suit wearing a corsage with her left hand on her hip and her right hand on a flower stand, framed picture on the wall and drapes in the background


Black and white photographs Snapshot type photos of the portrait of a Chinese man in a slightly rumpled jacket with tie. White spot on the right side. Photos are curling.


color photograph Candid photo of a Chinese baby sitting in diapers and T - shirt and booties. She is sitting on a blanket outside on the lawn with trees and a wooden house in the background.The photo is tinged yellow. On the back is a stamp in black:…


Blackand white photograph Candid photo of a Chinese man in a suit with left hand in pants pocket and right hand resting on right knee and holding a cigarette, man is seated on the corner of a table.


Black and white photograph Photo on postcard of a Chinese man taken at Aiko Studio in Seattle, shows a man seated in a chair with hands on the arm rests. He is wearing a suit and a serious look on his face. Man is Woo Goon.