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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph studio portrait of Wong Lai Fei (Huang U Pei) in uniform. this photo was taken during the Japanese invasion of Shanghai in 1932. The event it commemorates was the 1-2-8 event in which Mr. Wong was the lead pilot who led…

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph group portrait of the 9th Kong Chow Association meeting in San Francisco

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph Memorial to Sun Yat Sen in Seattle in 1925

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of memorial to Sun Yat Sen in Seattle in 1925

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph of memorial to Sun Yat Sen in Seattle

Print, Photographic

Black and White photograph portrait of Li Han huan, former governor of Kuantung (Guongdong) province from Luck Ngi Club of Seattle

Print, Photographic

Matted black and white photograph Four rows of men and women, two seated and two standing, in front of three buildings. The center building is decorated with flags with a large Nationalist flag in the center. There are two signs in Chinese also.…

Print, photographic

Cathay Post American Legion Auxiliary photograph, removed from scrapbook. A Chinese American woman, Jeni Fung (?) assists a Caucasian woman, Mrs, Arthur Von Cadow, National Security Chairwoman of the American Legion Auxiliary, in using chopsticks.

Print, Photographic

Cathay Post American Legion Auxiliary Black and white photograh of three Chinese American women holding large paper hearts in front of a lion dance lion.

Print, photographic

Photo of Major Tirso G. Fajardo and signed by him. Written on the front: "To r. Hancock - we've come a long way haven't we?"