Photo of medical personel tending to a patient in a tent. Lower left corner is an inscription reading: "To Mr. Hancock Hope you don't get caught in same predicament"
Three men in uniform standing in front of steps. The building behind them is probably the first Filipino Infantry Regiment HQ. On the reverse of the photo someone has written "Lt. Col. Velasquez & Staff Guest from Washington D.C.
Presentation of regimental colors by General Morris. written on the back: 'Presentation of Regimental Colors to our Regt. by Major General Morris 13 Jul 43, The first colors of the 1st Filipino Regiment Col. Offey and I started the Regt. from…
Photograph of the Postal Section of the First Filipino Infantry Regiment with Marvin Hancock in the centre of the picture and four unidentified men behind him.
Silhouette portrait of Cpl. Al Hernandez. Inscription on front reads "To Sgt. Major Roy Hancock, With all good wishes forever and a day. Sincerely Cpl. Al Hernandez, 1st Fil. Inf. U.S. Army, Oct. 10th '42, Camp San Luis Obispo."