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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of young baby in kimono. Written on the front: "Sumiko Echigo, Sept. 7th 1940"

Print, Photographic

8 - packages of stock images of Japan


Black and White Photograph of Jackson St. Regrade looking North at 7th between Jackson and King. View of Holy Names Church.


Black and White Photograph from BEacon Hill looking at Tideflats and piers. On back in pencil "10228 Tideflats, If picture is used for display or in a publication credit must be given to Museum of History and Industry, Seattle, WA."


Black and White Photograph of view of Dearborn Cut going under 12th St. Bridge. Road with automobiles and pedestrians. Steam shovel off to the side. Sign on right side says "West & Wheeler".


Black and White Photograph of view of Dearborn Cut going under 12th St. Bridge. Railroad tracks running under bridge and steam shovel digging out path.


Black and White Photograph of 821 Main St. which is small frame house with picket fence. Behind it is larger Victorian house with wood siding and stone foundation. Painted in white on photo "Wash 1 - 1, P 82 P, 1 - 10 - 40, 800 Main."


Black and White Photograph of Tideflats and South canal from the South. Large frame building on pier and two large tressels running south across Tideflats. Written on the back in ink "South Canal 4 of 5"


Black and White Photograph looking up 2nd Ave. towards King St. King St. Station tower clearly visible. Painted in left hand corner "5990 3 - 14 - 28".


Black and White Photograph looking up 2nd Ave. towards King St. and the new 2nd Ave Extension. King St. Station tower clearly visible. Painted in left hand corner "7588 6 - 11 - 29".