Black and white reproduciton of a photograph of the Hara family The family portrait shows Mr. Seiichi Hara sitting on the left in a three piece suit and bow tie. His wife Shizuko stands behind her children dressed in a white dress with beads around…
Negative of black and white photograph The picture shows the front of the Seattle Buddhist Church. There is a hearse parked in front to the right and only a portion is visible. The two story structure has a double stairway on either side of rhe front…
Negative of a black and white photograph of the interior of a laundry, Jefferson Laundry. Interior of laundry to the right are two washing machines, large cylinders lying horizontal in wooden A-frames. Long belts are attached to the ends and to a…
Black and white photograph, (possibly a copy) Portrait of a Chinese man identified as Chin Toy. He has a very short hair cut is wearing a western style jacket with a white shirt.
Framed black and white photograph Large group of men sitting and standing on four rows on the side walk in front of a large building with a central entrance that has a curved tile roof above it. There is bunting hanging from second story. The address…
Framed black and white photograph three rows of men sitting and standing. The front row is sitting on the floor dressed in Chinese style jackets the rest have on western style suits. They all have delegate ribbons pinned to their suits. On the floor…
A: Color slides of various individuals of the Japanese American community of Dee & Odell, Oregon in the Hood River Valley. B: Portrait of Sherman Juvinall in green cardboard folder.