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  • Collection: Photographs


Black and white photograph of participants of the Wong Family Association in New York in 1945. There are five rows of men and women standing on risers in a building. The front row is seated. Along the bottom is a black label with white Chinese…


Black and white photograph of participants of the 2nd national Wong Family Association convention in New York in 1945. There are five rows of men and women standing on risers On a stage. The front row is seated. Along the bottom is a black label with…


Tinted brown photo of Chinese-American man in suit and tie and horn rimmed glasses, combed back hair. Portrait style photo. H: 7" W: 5"

Print, Photocopy

Color photocopy of Canton alley Shows three people sitting on a wooden bench, a woman on the left with hat and sweater, a small child next to her and a woman on the right in dark jacket. The photo is looking from Weller to King St. between 7th & 8th…

Print, photographic

Caucasian man standing wearing straw hat leaning on stone wall. wall was reportedly built by Chinese labor in 1860s.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of a Chinese American man standing with one foot on the runner next to a model A Ford on a brick paved street. He is dressed in a coat, bow tie, sweater vest and slacks. Written at the bottom is "1932"

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of a Chinese American man sitting in the driver's set of a Model A Ford. Written in pen on the bottom is "1932"

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of a Chinese American man holding a large salmon . On the bottom is "1935" and in Chinese "Caught a large salmon"

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of two men standing with a large salmon hanging from the end of a building drain pipe. Written on the bottom is: "1935" and in Chinese "Glad to have the large Salmon"

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of five Chinese American men standing in front of the doorway of a Ford car repair garage. All are wearing coatsand hats. Written in the right hand corner is "Davenport June 6, 1936" and in Chinese at the bottom: "Waiting…