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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of Young boy holding a baseball bat.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of a young boy dressed in a suit in the front yard of a residential house.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of two women, a man and four children in a park. Inscription reads: "At a park in Everett"

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of a young boy sitting at a piano. The image is blury.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of woman and son studying.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of young boy standing in front of a house near a shrub.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of yound boy in suit standing in front of a house.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of young boy wearing a suit and tie standing near the corner of a house.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of the Imai family standing on house steps.

Print, photographic

Black and white photograph of a large group of women and Mr. Imai on house steps.