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  • Collection: Photographs

print, photographic

Color photograph of a theatre cast standing behind a low table with 8 cylindrical objects. Behind them is a cutout paper tree.

print, photographic

Color photograph of 4 male cast members. Behind them is a brown paper cutout tree.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph shows a man and a woman standing in formal western wedding clothes. He has on white shirt and tie and and long coat and holds gloves in his right hand. She has on a white dress with lace, veil and is holding a boquet. Theā€¦

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of cast of Chinese opera "Love Affair in Jade Palace" performed as a fundraising function for the Chong Wa Association.

Print, Photographic

Color photograph of Chinese opera performance A man and a woman dressed in costumes stand in front of a microphone.

Print, Photographic

Color photograph of man and a woman in costume performing a Chinese opera at the 25th anniversary of Gong I.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of Japanese officers at a table on the U.S.S. Panamint signing surrender papers.

Print, Photographic

Black and white showing three Japanese officers at a table with three U.S. officers. A Japanese American translator is standing at the right side.

Print, Photographic

Black and white of Lowman Jang in Navy uniform standing in front of corregated building.