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  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

5 - Black and white photograph postcards of two young girls playing. One is sitting in a toy car and the other is on a tricycle.

Print, Photographic

6 - Black and white photograph postcards of two young girls playing with toy car. One is sitting inside and one is standing beside her.

Print, Photographic

5 - Black and white photograph postcards, one mounted on cardboard, of two young girls in long winter coats and rain hats.

Print, Photographic

5-Black and white photograph postcards of two young girls playing on tricycles.

Print, Photographic

Blurry Black and white photograph postcard of two young girls playing.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of two young girls in dresses standing in front of their toy car.

Print, Photographic

8 - Black and white photograph postcards of two young girls dressed in same outfit. One is sitting in wicker chair and the other is standing.

Print, Photographic

4 - Illustrated postcards of a woman pulling up her stocking and "blind" man peeking. At the top is: "T. Makino, Modern Shoe Shop, shoes made to order, A full line carried in stock, repairing a speciality, best of machine work, 303 Main St., Seattle,…

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of man sitting with baby.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of Smith tower being built.