Browse Items (9872 total)

  • Collection: Photographs

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of totem pole in Pioneer Square.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of Japanese Pavilion building at Alaska Yukon Pacific exposition with sign for formosa tea.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of parade with children holding May poles.

Print, Photographic

Colored in photograph postcard of chief Seattle.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of the Eiffel Tower.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of foreign dignitary being escorted in an automobile down a street by the police on horseback.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph of Makino family at Point Defiance Park.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of Makino family on front porch.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of Makino sisters sitting on bench hear vase of roses.

Print, Photographic

Black and white photograph postcard of Makino family and friends playing in a small river.