Group of deer surrounding a kimono clad woman holding an umbrella. At right, man and seated woman with 2 wheeled cart. Behind them is stone lantern on a raised stone pedestal. In left..."Deer at Nara Park, Nara."
Large red torii at beginning of walkway to Kasuga Shrine. On either side are large stone lanterns on raised concrete bases. Either side of walkways are bushes and trees. Several deer under gateway..Torii means Gate. Torii always precedes a Shinto…
Color tinted postcard showing main entry gate to Kasuga Shrine, Nara. Large crytomeric tree in fore ground. Many stone lanterns near two storied entry gate.
Green and white postcard of long two story hotel building. Grass area sloping down to large pond. Road or walk way on left with small houseboat near pond. On reverse:Under direct management of Imperial Gov Railways;Superior accomodations,Quiet…
Color tinted postcard of red tori gate with roofed pavilion through gateway.Right of gate is 2 story building with a tabako(tobbacco)shop on 1st floor. Tori is flanked by a concrete fence to left. Karasaki Shrine,Omi. Omi is the old name for Shiga…
Black and white postcard of building housing the Daibutsu(Great cast bronze Buddha)in Nara.The flap in the card opens to fold out a hand colored re- presentation of memorial\offeratory procession. (794-898A.D) Largest Buddha in Japan.
Color tinted postcard -Nigatsudo Temple, Nara- Wooden temple on top of hillside.Stone steps lead up to wooden eugawa(deck). Building constructed of white stucco and dark wood.
Color tinted postcard- showing Sarusawa(monkey marsh)Pond at Nara. Pond is in foreground sur- rounded by willow trees. Five story pagoda in back ground along with group of buildings.
Color tinted postcard of Hexagonal 1 story build- ing. Tiled roof with gold ball at center. On each side of temple yard are 1 story buildings. People walking through yard.