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White paper cover green plastic spiral binding booklet: "Getting Drunk on King Street" by Mary Gibson-Hatten published by Midnight Cat Press 1985


Glossy paper booklet: "Seattle's Other History: Our Asian-American Heritage" by Edward and Elizabeth Burke. The front cover has six color photographs of the Asian American community in the International District. The text has photos and text about…


Glossy blue covered booklet: "Seattle Chinatown International District: An Investment Guide" The front cover had three black and white photographs of the district. It was published by the Seattle Department of Community Development and has maps and…


Booklet celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Seattle Kung Fu club. The booklet has photos and articles on the history of the club and its founder John Leong.


Benefit exhibition of martial arts organized by John Leong of the Seattle Kung fu Club in 1993.


Program for the United Kung-fu Federation of North America 1995 International Open Championship held in Seattle WA August 18 - 19 1995.


Tan cover booklet of writings by the Asian students Association of University of Washington. Pieces by Donna Lou Raji Ramulu David Cassie Ticiang Diangson Chris Miyamoto Bee Bee Tan Elana Eng Connie Sugahara Tina Koyama Gary Iwamoto Dean Wong Kathryn…


The second collection of writings by the Asian Student Association of the University of Washington 1984. Writers include: Shirley Lim Cathy Song Tina Koyama Sharon Hashimoto Leslie Shinsato Genny Lim Kathy Wong Laureen Mar Roger Tang Maria Batayola…


Orange covered booklet published for the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939 and sponsored by Nanking Co. and Hi Wo Hong Co. The booklet lists the instructions for the corresponding number on a box of 100 sticks.


The little green booklet lists the by-laws of the club and the officers and founding members.