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blue-covered receipt book from Sagamiya located at 524 South Main St Seattle WA 98104. Sells Japanese confectionery books and magazines. contains 49 sets of receipts.


Booklet made for the Hmong Women's Needlecraft Association about the creation of Hmong Batik patterns. Photocopy of booklet and three finished booklets.


Song book for the Sealth Camp Fire Girls


Sample layout of book on Chinese Opera - Theatre in the United States. It has never been published but is an exhibition and website 16 pages red cover black and white photos and text throughout.


Booklet published by Minnisei Printers Inc. for Minnihon Arts Center Minneapolis MN. Contains text divided into sections and black and white photographs. Details experiences of graduates of the Military Service Language School at Camp Savage and Camp…


Booklet containing description and black and white photographs of the Chinese Foo Hsing Opera School production of "The Beautful Bait." Twenty-one pages.


Two recipe booklets containing recipes for Japanese food. 2005.101.001a is 20 pages written by Tatsuji Tada former head chef at the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C. Cover is in black and white and depicts stylized cooking pans bowls and a fish.…


Trade promotion booklet Compilied by Mr. Nakashima. This is the 5th edition and was found In Japan by the donor. Contains adds for Japanese owned businesses and maps of Seattle and King county with locations of Japanese owned businesses.


Booklet in comic book format. Collected works of eight youths who participated in the Wing Luke TeensWAY program. Booklet is end project of five weeks of drawing sessions with Seattle area artist Justin Norman. 33 pages.