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Card for show by Maki Tamura


Asian artists in 2 venues in New York

Bruce Dong

Oral History interview with Bruce Dong

Buddhist Sutra and envelope

Large Buddhist inscription with envelope A: Long rectangular white paper in two sheets pasted together with red ink print of a pagoda with 7 levels flame at top and at each level image of Buddhist figures (Boddhisatvas?) at each level; entire pagoda…


Bulletin print in ink on newsprint in Japanese. WRA information for inter- nees. Katakana characters in upper right say "bulletin". Above WRA is written "help wanted" probably advertising a job open to Japanese Americans who we by this time being…


of America's conference program held in San Fransisco on July 10 -12 1975 at the Univ. of San Fransisco lists day to day events. 8 page dated June 1975


Heavy gage paper printed bulletin promoting an immigration quota for Japanese & Chinese immigrants overriding the Exclusion law. Published in Berkeley CA.


Photographic society of America bulletin

Business Card

Business Card for "Yick Fung & Company Importers and Exporters Wholesale and Retail" with the name "James Malcolm Mar" and "705 King Street Seattle 4 Washington Phone Main 3-5966 - Res. East 2-5038" printed in blue on the white card separated by two…