letter with envelope from Mei Gi in Pak Sha village Toisum County CantonChina to his father in seattle in 1929 asking him to send a few hundred dollars to pay his debt in last sentecne he says foreign ships son't allow chinese to buy third class seat…
Bills sent to hop sing Association members in SEattle in 1924 regarding membership. Family gathering party farming and schooling fee constructing of a building in Astoria Oregon
List of goods income and outgo an inventory of the movement of goods written in CHinese on white in black ink folded paper is turnig pink and britlle and laking off bits and pieces tear off easily.
property report written in Japanese on white tissue paper in the tenth year of the Taisho period to the tax dept. in Tokyo giving a description of the land and indicating that the oldest son is to inherit the property folded in eighths.
Contrast format for leasing land in Japan 11 articles or conditions to be met blank form written in Japanese space for lessor lessee and address of property folded in eighths liquid spot and pink streak on lower right side.
written entirely in Chinese letter is tissue paper folded in eights envelope has chinese writing in front with red ink band down middle made in Hong Kong. Contents of the letter are to Tang Feng De from Tang De Guei in Minneapolis in 1963 regarding…