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from China addressed to Hong Chong air mail has a 50 and 2 denominations stamps ront open on left

tax receipt

school tax receipt paid by Lock Suey You $ 5 District of Kodiak alaska for the year 1935 on pink slip signec by Chas c. Naughton


account stament from pacific american fisheries inc. to lock suey you showing charges and credits with a balance due of $149.41 dated Aug. 281935 on ledger lined paper


account statement Milwaukee hotel for Robert Lock showing he stayed in Room 212 from 4/18 to 5/18 and his changes were $11 with a credit on 5/5 for $3 leaving a bal. due of $8 dated May 12 1935


adressed to Chin Seng Banking Pak Sha FAi Shan Kwong Tung China from Quong Ying Chung return adress also has Chinese writing maroon colored printing envelopes are spotted and have water marks and are discolored.


cover for a writing pad for writing letters pink tissue paper blue printing in Chinese upper right hand corner ahs poem by Li Bai one of the greatest poets of hte Tan Dynasty cover shows a Chinese ship picture is bordered by a leaf design.

gaming form

forms for possibly some type of gambling game one sheet has 36 Chinese character the other has numbers 1-80 paper is discolored sheet is torn and obscured

food label

label for double yolk lotus moon cakes from 619 Gore Ave label shows a chicken with a long tail and a dragon and children playing at the bottom of the label scotch tape on both sides.


tea label from Hung Chong TAi TEa co. 1 lb net wight written in Chinese and English on yellow paper with red border design drawing of a junk boat inside a circle at the top.

Paper label

Paper labels for tiger balm products of Singapore. Two labels "Tiger balm Eng Aun Tong Medical Hall Singapore other is a picture of Aw boon Par and Aw Boon Ahwa with a jar of their prodcuct on each side.