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Card, business

Business Card Sing Fat & Co. Chinese and Japanese Bazaar 614 Dupont St San Francisco CA Est. 1866 Tel. CHINA 33

Card, Business

3 business card of Peter Louie, Owner & Mgr., Civic Center Motel.

Card, Business

Card, Business International District Emergency Center Signed by Donnie Chin

Card, Flash

100 flash cards with phrases concerning the military in Chinese and English.

Card, Flash

100 Flash cards in box. Compiled by Willys R. Peck

Card, Greeting

Dark pink paper cards with gold printing. There is an alternating thunder motif pattern forming a frame around the card. Gold Chinese characters run down the center. At the top is "Xin Ci" "Auspicious New Year" and below and to the right is "Gong He"…

card, greeting

greeting card in envelope green cardboard with glued on colored scenery of house in country surrounded by snow backdrop of mountains written in ink: Dear friend Thank you for your nice present to me. Your friend T.B. Loveless weathered card with spot…

Card, Greeting

Red with black printing New Years card. In Mandarin is is from:"Long Gang Qing Yi Gong"

Card, Greeting

Red cards with gold Chinese characters and gold border.

Card, Greeting

Misc greeting cards and envelopes from Wah Young Company.