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card, political

card racist "United War and Community Fund of Ashtabula" card

card, political

Envelop racist "Slap The Jap with Scrap" picture displayed on the envelop

card, political

racist souvenir card reads "Slap-That-Jap" made out of leather type of material

card, political

greeting card racist birthday card depicting a Japanese soldier. Print in bold red reads "QUICKEE LICKEE SAPPY JAPPY"

card, political

card racist birthday greeting card

card, political

card racist greeting card reads, "Let's take a NIP out of the NIPPONESE!" Nipponese indicated Japanese.

card, political

card racist greeting card with hand-writing messages

card, political

card racist birthday greeting card color pictures depicting a Japanese soldier and a Nazi

card, political

Red card featuring Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo (as a blue monkey) on the front, interior shows GI shooting targets with three leaders faces on them.

card, political

card colorful racist greeting card