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Mrs. Ruth (shown with Mrs. Margaret Juul the nurse and Mrs. Cecile M. Cushing) is the 3500 King County Blood Bank blood donor.


Acrobats the Tong Brothers will perform at "Chinese Varieties" a fund-raiser event of Cathay Post No. 186 American Legion and auxiliary.


Gaudy Chinese dragon formed one of the spectalular units of the International Festival Parade.


A Chinese good-luck lion is performing at 'Choi Cheong': a ceremony which means achieving everlasting peace prosperity and happiness.


Chinn Doe Jinn pointed out to Kay Parker golden figures of warriors on the front of the shrine.


Betty Gallant and Jerry Skeen was looking at the Cloisonne Vases Charles Wah showed to them.


Harry Louie worker of the Rose Brand Noodle Co. escorted Mary Elizabeth Graves Herbert Hanrahan and Donald Nelson to see how noodles was dried in the factory.


Arthur T. King Seiichi Hara Mrs. Dan K. Mar and B.J. Adams appeared at 'Community Chest' report meeting yesterday.


Ray Soo one of the smallest player in College basketball scored big in his teamSeattle University's Chieftains' victory game over Montana State College.


Guay Li grocer and vice president of the Chinese Benevolent Association is showing the exotic food sold in his grocery store to curious youngsters.