Jack H. Pang was shown with Sally Chinn Christina Marr Joyce Kwan Helen Chinn Dahila Marr Ida Mae Lew and Helen Wang. The seven girls are candidate for the title of Sweetheart of Cathay.
Boy Scout Troop 254 did their share at the charity 'Moon Festival' by selling peanuts and fortune cookes. Shown in the picture Tony Chinn Bruce Eng Norman Yip Donald Eng Kenneth Foy Albert Woo Ronald King P.L. Teng Eng Shleton Chow TRP Scribe Chong…
Elmer Chinn proudly pinned the Girls' All-City Junior Checker Championship medal on this sister Amelia while Fred Bryant looked on. Fred has won the boys' title.
19 children Sherman Woo Paul Fong Jr. Gregory Johnson Jennifer Hing Candy Chin Eugene Hall Darlene Lew Larry Yip Jennifer Lew Thomas Galyton Charles Chinn Jr. Georgiana Wong Darlene Luke Gerry Uno Billy Leo Chris Eng Douglas Chow Joyce Yee and Sherry…
Seattle School Board approved its first regular teaching contracts for Orientals. Two teachers selected are Miss A. Claire Suguro and Mrs. Lillian Lum. Shown in the picture is Mrs. Lum.
Chin Hann posed with Donald Ding and Doreen Ding. The toddlers were awed by the lion-headed dragon which will be a feature of the Seattle's three-day International Carnival.