Punch magazine Illustration of Chinese Qing official with a painting of a dragon with a European face, titled :The White Peril" Caption: China has threatened to break off relations with the German Government on Acount of its barbarity. It will be…
Punch magazine illustration of woman representing Australia keeping a door closed with a man drawn to be Chinese with long queue. Caption: Mrs. Australia (to John Chinaman) "I've had quite enough of you! "No Admittance,' - not even on business"
Punch illustation of European man opening the door of freedom to a Chinese laborer. Caption: "My Poor Down-Trodden Brother, you are No Longer a Slave - Oh Please, Sir, Anything But That! I will Be Good If you will Only Let Me Stop!
Punch illustration of Lord Elgin holding a cannon ball and a Qing Chinese Emperor confronting him. Caption: "Come, knuckle Down! No Cheating this Time!"