Student Nurses first to complete the new three-year Basic Nursing Research Program sponsored by the University of Washington and Virginia Mason Hospital received pins in graduation exercises.
Mrs. Clark Malmo is choosing the best rhododendron the state flower of State of Washington to be the display flowers for the United Nation Dinner. She is getting the help from Miss. Diane Chang.
George Washington Junior High School P.T.A. members are in preparation for the fifth annual International Dinner. Shown in the picture are Mrs. Stanley Chinn Mrs. Joe Hirota Mrs. Nathan Johnson Mrs. Arthur Mink Mrs. Alyce Hall and Mrs. H. Sakata.
Carolyn Tong queen of the Hawaiian Island Narcissus Festival talked with Cheryl Mayre Chow of the Seattle Chinese Community while chairman of a group of 45 Chinese businessmen Given K.W. Tang looked on.
A televised surgical operation: Patient: Fritz Beebe. Physicans: Dr. William Fisher and Dr. Eugene Ko. Beebe had his tubuclar nodules removed from his left lung.