Six contestants will compete for title Miss Seattle Chinese Community at Seafair activities. They are Jean Chinn Phylis Chinn Hazel Eng Katie Wong Sandra Wongand Maxine Loo.
Mrs. Merville W. Mclnnis decorations chairman of the Washington Sate International Trade Fair banquet was given decorating ideas by foreign friends who sbowed her typical craft articles from their countries. They were Ms. Yun-Cheng Lu Mrs. Bartolome…
SAM BROWN of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. discussed with student leaders Dave Brown Penny Wong and Jim Nick at Cleveland High School his participation int the forestry section of a school vocational conference.
Ken Brooks Sealth High School baseball manager and Lancing Chinn Garfield golf manager grinned at the misspelled first name on a poster which Bulldog golfers presented to Chinn.
Pert Cheryl Chow tacks up one of 1500 posters which will be appearing on downtown lamp posts inviting everyone to the Washington State International Trade Fair . Also in the picture is Miss Seattle- Sharon Samuelson.
Students Ruth Russell Donald Eng and William Farrington are with head teacher Mrs. Gloster for rehearsal of presentation of diplomas at Fairland Sanatorium in Seattle's North End.