Daily dairy in Japanese From February 20, 1912 - July 21, 1915 Written in fountain pen from page 1 - 190 in Japanese in vertical columns from right to left. Begins with mayoral election day in Seattle; proposal of marriage to Miss Itsuye;…
Diary of a picture bride Translation from the Japanese of chapter 23 of Hokubei Hyakunen Zakura: Volume 2. Toku Machida came to American in 1912 to marry Yoshitomi Shimomura in Seattle Washington Diary is of her journey to the US.
Spiral bound single side xerox copy of directory. Yellow paper covers brown heavy title page in Kanji with hand illustrations of plum blossoms. First section is a copy of the original in Kanji and the second part is an English translation.
Green paper cover directory: "Washington State Chinese Community Directory 1971" has black printing green illustration of Washington state a list of the names of the cities listed a red circle with a draon illustration and a row of Chinese characters…