Legal recommendation of Wing Luke in the estate trials of Mabel G. Chinn deceased. Luke argued in the interest of Jadine Chinn Mabel's underaged daughter. He was answering a petition by the widower Quong Duck Chinn. The recommendation was typed on…
Mimeographed copy of remarks made by Wing Luke as aseattue attorney for a one-day conference on housing for minority families at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel in Seattle Washington on April 14 1955 entitled "Housing Problems as felt by…
Sheet of paper with a light tan colored front and a black colored back. The sheet measures 9"x11 3/4." The sheet has black text printed on the front listing the election returns telephone returns for the general election March 13 1962 precinct No.…
Copy of biographical sketch composed of four 8 1/2"x 11" sheets of paper. Page one is a memo to Wing Luke from "PLJ." It is only a 1/2 page typed text. Page two has 3 paragraphs of double-spaced typed text about the life of Wing Luke. It has a title…
1992.064.072A is a typed essay written by Paul H. Tomita entitled City Concilman Luke for his political science 205 class section 1 January 1963 at Washington State University Pullman Washington. The essay is formed overall of 13 pages and is in a…