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Contrast format for leasing land in Japan 11 articles or conditions to be met blank form written in Japanese space for lessor lessee and address of property folded in eighths liquid spot and pink streak on lower right side.


Color copy of Labor Agreement Document. Folded. Contract through Japanese Immigraion Bureau to employed Miyashita Haruemon and his wife Soyo at OLAA Sugar Co.


Typed Carbon Copy Chinese Immigration Rules Onion skin paper: " The following are extracts from the 'Rules governing the Admission of Chinese issued by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Immigration'"


Blue legal size sheet with black printing. Stamped on the front in red: "PACIFIC AMERICAN FISHERIES ALITAK ALASKA" On the back the second party's name is "Locke Suey You" The agent is stamped in red: "Lew G. Kay" Goon Dip & Co. 415 Seventh Ave.…


Kangyo Sekkensha Savings and Loan Seattle Branch. stationary in Japanese with a list of names and what may be prostitution solicitations.


Note with list of expenditures in Japanese. List includes Children;s help Capt. Endo's travel secreterial salary Firland Sanitarium Innitiation to Youth.