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Reunited Here After 24 Years- Exchanges of gifts and greeting marked the arrival of the Kwi family from HongKong.


Robert J. Block committee coordinator of volunteers to promote major-league baseball for Seattle attached a baseball-booster pin to the dress of Lilly Woo Miss Chinatown.


Henry Siegl and members of his string quartet got a taste of Oriental thanks yesterday for their recent musical efforts at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School. The students presenting thank-you banners (in Chinese ) are Janet Woo Rosa Lo Kenneth Aoki…


Janice Mcphee with letter writers April Chan Debra Rogers Letitia Pound Willie Kent David Lancaster and Colleen Luke.


Benjamin Woo and other Chinese Community Service Organization are coordinating all kinds of activities to celebrate Chinese New Year of 1963 (Chinese Lunar Calendar 4661) in Chinatown. -a: Mrs. Jick Chan Henry K.W. Chin Ping Chow Mrs. Winfred Chin…


Sergt. Thomas Reagan and Staff Sergt. Alfred Mar were training the soldiers.


Seattle's Chinese Community hasn't seen a 'Leong Beong' (bride's reception) like this in many years: In the picture Mr. and Mrs. N. Mon Wai Yakima offered cakes to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chinn Seattle while the Chinn' daughter Arlene looked on.


Rev. Lincoln Paul Eng finished barbecuing 50 pounds of beef at a Rogation Sunday service at St. George's Episcopal Church Lake City while children looked on.


Mrs. JOhn Woo and Mrs. Peter D. Woo displayed props for Chinese opera.