Envelope "U.S. Department of Labor" immigration documents for Y. T. Lam and Goldie Chan. Includes a family tree made in 1982 and other family history documents.
Envelope "Legal Docs" with deed to Frank and Nymphia Yok's Eugene home. 2495 Charnelton Street, trademark registration for "Foo's", immigration documents for Tom Yok and Chin Yung Yok (Rose Yok).
Envelope "Nymphia Lam Military Docs" with Nymphia Lam's birth certificate, Navy discharge, Navy orders for duty, Navy discharge certificate, American Legion membership cards, U.S. Navy song book, Nymphia Lam photo in uniform.
File folder "Mom and Dad's" files containing Dr. Y. T. Lam's death certificate; Lewis and Clark College letter (status of Goldie Chan Lam's Perpetual Scholarship Fund), attorney's letters (Dr. Lam's life insurance policy); Dr. Goldie Chan's will and…