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  • Collection: Archives


Board of directors of Chong Wa Benvelolent Assocition and staff list of the Chong Wa school. A: 1951; Staff list; Chairman: Lu Hongkuang Li Yong cun. Principal: Huang Jin B: 1952; Staff list and Chaimen: Lu Hong kuang Li Yong cun. Principal: Huang…


Ledger with names of expenses personal writings presecription for Chinese herbal medicine. The inforamtion at 18 Washington St. indicatres that the time period is between 1905 - 1911. Other busnuinesses are mentioned such as Zee Tai Wing in Hong…


A: Gom Hong receipt for Mr. Shi he Eng B: Envelopes and paper: Addressed to Ah Fook. From the Treasury Departmetn US Revenue Cutter Service USS Perry. C: Addressed to Ah Fook with Zee Tai Co stamps on each.


A: One letter and two envelopes. ".... I will not present superficial expressions" on the envelope. "Greetings to who opens the letter! I did not realize that it has been months since i bowed to say farewell to you. I suppose you must be dwelling in…


4 - letters to Mr. Eng Shi-he from Eng Shi-run (?) 1911 Three envelopes with the stamp of the Zee Tai Co. in Port Townsend. A: Shi-he my brother as seeing you. Greetings to who opens the letter! On the twelfth of the third month I received my…


A: Letter and two envelopes addressed to Shi-he Eng from Yao-yun Eng of the Zee Tai Co. Hong Kong. Greetings to who opens the letter! I received what my brother sent from the Ju-chang store at Lo Province (Los Angeles?) recently: I have received the…


A: Two envelopes addressed to Eng Shi he in Port Townsend from Eng Guo qiang. The return stamp is from: Zee Tai Wing in Hong Kong "Father my great man: Kneeling I gratefully report to you missing you from afar. My great man is in sound health having…


A receipt with red seals of the Chinese Revolutionary Army. "We acknowledge the receipt of five big Yuan for the military fund from Mr. Li Yao-lin. Issued by the fund raising bureau of the Chinese Revolutionary Army fund collected and processed by Li…


An envelope with printed symbol of the Republic of China. From Kam Yen of Port Gamble Wash. to Mr. Li Rujiao at Gom Hong Co. (#709 King St Seattle Wash.)


Chinese letter and envelope. The letter head is of the flags of the Kuo Min Tang. The author of the letter in Chinese leaves a space before addressing his brother to show respect. At the end he says there is no need of a seal to deliever good wishes.…