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Catalog of photographers include in the show. It includes Clarence Arai and his work "Sanctuary"


Newsletter of the Northwest council of Camera Clubs


Photographic society of America bulletin


Information for applicants


Award Certificates A: Award certificate Popular Monthly given to Clarence Arai for Posing for Myself B: Award certificate given to Clarence Arai for Posing for Myself October 1954

Album, Autograph

Book of card stock pages with autographs of classmates. On the interior title page is: listed the Name School Principal Teacher date. "George Yoshida Washimgton. A.Sears. Mrs. B. Reiner June 12 1936

Handbill, Political

Campaign Literature Handbills A - H: An interview with Liem Tuai 14 x 8.5" yellow paper folded with black printing outlining Liem's positions on the issues. I: Postcard Instructions 8.5" x 11" white mimeograph sheet with a list of topics for "get out…

Article, newspaper

Newspaper Articles A: "The Seattle story" from the Sunday Advertiser September 23 1973 on the mayor's race and Liem Tuai . B & C: "Bonds Back PeeWee Baseball" from the West Seattle Herald april 1973. With B & W photo of Liem Tuai Dick Weston and his…


Folders with letters and Campaign materials A: Manilla Filder "Resumes" - contains two resumes - Julie Martin; John L.F. Slee B: Letters of General Interest i: Letter from Agnes Zinn offering ot distribute campaign materials ii: Letter from Kenneth…


Miscellaneous documents associated with the materials donated by John and Mary Woo. Cards postcards electronic brochures tickets maps newsletters.