Award Certificates A: Award certificate Popular Monthly given to Clarence Arai for Posing for Myself B: Award certificate given to Clarence Arai for Posing for Myself October 1954
Book of card stock pages with autographs of classmates. On the interior title page is: listed the Name School Principal Teacher date. "George Yoshida Washimgton. A.Sears. Mrs. B. Reiner June 12 1936
Campaign Literature Handbills A - H: An interview with Liem Tuai 14 x 8.5" yellow paper folded with black printing outlining Liem's positions on the issues. I: Postcard Instructions 8.5" x 11" white mimeograph sheet with a list of topics for "get out…
Newspaper Articles A: "The Seattle story" from the Sunday Advertiser September 23 1973 on the mayor's race and Liem Tuai . B & C: "Bonds Back PeeWee Baseball" from the West Seattle Herald april 1973. With B & W photo of Liem Tuai Dick Weston and his…
Folders with letters and Campaign materials A: Manilla Filder "Resumes" - contains two resumes - Julie Martin; John L.F. Slee B: Letters of General Interest i: Letter from Agnes Zinn offering ot distribute campaign materials ii: Letter from Kenneth…