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paper envelope front:right corner red U.S. postage 20 cent stamp To: chong may co. Sai Mon St. China written in black from:Gom Hong Co. Seattle black stamp left chinese writing in black ink 2 purple stamps back: 5 red lined stickers sealing flap 2…


A-G A: envelope stamped Sep. 18 1929 to: Lun Suery 709 King St. Seattle right side 2 chinese symbols from: U.S. Dept. of Labor opened on right side B:business card L2" W3" front:Blanc's Cafe lower right-green frog "Where epicureans meet" 308 marion…


envelope: opened at top red bar down center with chinese writing badly crushed wrist watchband: 2 piece wrist watch band silver buckle with floral design brown alligator type leather


A:letter black ink in chinese from seattle-upper right date-JAn 23 1933 translation of the letter: Shang Jie Brother just like seening you Last time you have bought five shares of stocks with the worth of $500.00 from the Oil and ink company. We have…


1 page paper letter front and back written in pencil to: Mrs. SMith from:ENG lots of mark outs throughout letter


A: 2 page stiff paper letter green paper with blue ink upper right corner-211 14th AVe. Seattle Dec. 11 1932 to Suey from:Walter D followed by chinese writing B: envelope-green purple U.S. postage 3cent stamp stamped DEC. 12 1932 address to:MR. Eng…


two letters A and B A: paper letter with black ink 1 page long date: May23 1931 letter head:The Admiralty Chas. R. Mr Cormick Lumber Co. Port Ludlow B: 2 page letter with black ink date May 26 1931 to Harry same letter head as letter A


paper letter with blue ink address upper right corner-1304 Stevens St. date: Nov 3 1931 to Suey from Harry Eng just below name chinese writing


letter and envelope (A and B) A: 2 page paper letter with blue ink right upper corner address-1304 Stevens St. SEattle lined paper date sideways on left side-Dec. 6 1932 to Suey from Harry B:envelope blue ink U.S. postage red 2 cent stamp stamped…


A; paper letter in blue ink date Dec. 17 1931 address- 2031 Franklin SEattle B: envelope red U.S. pastage stamp 2 Cents stamped Dec. 18 1931 adress- Mr. Eng Box 162 Port Ludlow Wash. opened on right side