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Partnership agreement between Kinjiro Imai and John Furuta giving the latter half of the buiness Newton Drug co. B: Labels for Newton Drug products


Black embossed string bound scrapbook. Paper pages with newspaper articles on Clarence Arai - his appointment on library board JACL head Young Republicans evecuation and internment of Bainbridge and in Manzanar. Separate folder: Seattle Public…

Memo Book

A small red memo book with red cover and gold lettering. On the cover is: 1950 the 39th Year of the Republic of China; Mister Shang Song Eng; Meetings on the 18th of every month; Group leader - Zishu Cao. Inside is a list of names and the shares the…


Tower of Fragmentary Embriodery: A Classified Guide to Correspomdence Styles. complied by Shen Qi of Yun-jian.


Letter to Mr. Shi lin Eng of Gom Hong in Seattle. One envelope is addressed to Shi lin Eng from Yu Zho Eng of Kwong Lee Wah in Hong Kong. Another envelope is addressed to Mr. Long pei Eng. The letter: "Greeting s to who opens up the letter! On the…


Board of directors of Chong Wa Benvelolent Assocition and staff list of the Chong Wa school. A: 1951; Staff list; Chairman: Lu Hongkuang Li Yong cun. Principal: Huang Jin B: 1952; Staff list and Chaimen: Lu Hong kuang Li Yong cun. Principal: Huang…


Ledger with names of expenses personal writings presecription for Chinese herbal medicine. The inforamtion at 18 Washington St. indicatres that the time period is between 1905 - 1911. Other busnuinesses are mentioned such as Zee Tai Wing in Hong…


A: Gom Hong receipt for Mr. Shi he Eng B: Envelopes and paper: Addressed to Ah Fook. From the Treasury Departmetn US Revenue Cutter Service USS Perry. C: Addressed to Ah Fook with Zee Tai Co stamps on each.


A: One letter and two envelopes. ".... I will not present superficial expressions" on the envelope. "Greetings to who opens the letter! I did not realize that it has been months since i bowed to say farewell to you. I suppose you must be dwelling in…


4 - letters to Mr. Eng Shi-he from Eng Shi-run (?) 1911 Three envelopes with the stamp of the Zee Tai Co. in Port Townsend. A: Shi-he my brother as seeing you. Greetings to who opens the letter! On the twelfth of the third month I received my…